Purchase with a Purpose is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit fair trade gift + secondhand shop in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, providing a market for missions both locally and globally. Since 2013, more than $400,000 has been generated for missions through our annual shopping events, local retail shop, and online shop. Our organization is completely volunteer-run so that 100% of our shop proceeds fund missions. To date, our shop has supported 22 adoptive families and ministries and artisans in more than 12 states and 65 countries. Think globally. Act locally. Purchase with a Purpose.
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Purchase with a Purpose began with a blog post and a prophecy. In November 2013, I read a blog about simplifying at Christmas time and one of the ways the author suggested was to give gifts that glorified God and helped others at the same time. God challenged me to be intentional in my Christmas shopping that year – up until that point, I never knew it was possible to give gifts that served a dual purpose – and I made the personal decision to shop with a purpose that Christmas. I was wrapping up a difficult semester. I had been obedient to the Lord in some decisions and as a result, had endured opposition. One Sunday in church, I silently wrote these words to God....“God, if you can use my wounds to pay the ransom for someone else, my answer is yes.” Three days later, I was sitting in a Bible study at our church. Suddenly, a sweet older woman by the name of Mrs. Ann began to prophesy on behalf of my friends, one by one. When she came to me, she didn’t remember my name, but she said, “Girl in the purple shirt, thus says the Lord, ‘Your wounds will be healed. God has given you the ministry of reconciliation. And you think what you are doing is small, but God is going to do more than you can imagine.” It was the most audible I have ever heard God’s voice. I was shaken. Mrs. Ann didn’t know that ‘wounds’ was the word I used in my prayer to God just three days earlier – only He knew that. From the blog post and prophecy to the night of our first Purchase with a Purpose Party was one month. In one month, God used many friends and circumstances to inspire us to not only personally shop with a purpose that Christmas, but to provide others in our community with the opportunity to do the same. That first year, I remember telling God that if we could generate $2,000 for missions, that would be amazing. The first year, more than $6,000 was generated for missions through your shopping! Now, nine years later, more than $400,000 has been generated for local and global missions. These missions include supporting 25 adoptive families and artisans and ministries in more than 13 states and 65 countries around the world. We thought what we were doing was small, but God has done more than we could imagine.
A scripture God has impressed upon my heart this year is from Zechariah 4 where God says, “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord God of hosts.” He goes on to say, “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Purchase with a Purpose has not been by our might, our power, or our great ideas. It was inspired by God and it has only been through His Spirit that all of this has come to be. Thank you for joining us in His work!
~Jennifer Ballard, Founder/Director
Visit our local fair trade and secondhand shop with a purpose!
2231 Veterans Memorial Pkwy,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 10am - 2pm
Thursday, 10am - 6pm